CM = Chertsey Museum
CL = Chertsey Library
CC = Christ Church Ottershaw archive
DE = Defense Establishments, Farnborough
SHC = Surrey History Centre, Woking
SAS = Surrey Archaeological Society, Guildford
SCC = Surrey County Council, Kingston
PRO = Public Record Office, Kew (now The National Archive)
NMR = National Monument Record Centre, Swindon
LMA = London Metropolitan Archive
RIBA = Royal Instititute of British Architects library, London
BL = British Library, London
WTL = Welcome Trust Library
BRC = British Red Cross Museum & Archive
OSOBS = Ottershaw School Old Boys Society
= The Sydney Oliver Collection, University of London library,
Royal Holloway, Egham
DMK = Diamond Museum, Kimberley, South Africa
BAR = Barlow Ltd archive, South Africa
JA = Private collection, John Athersuch